2014-04-22 Cemlyn Bay to Porth Eilian

Having met my paddling buddy at 10:00 am, we consulted with the excellent Welsh Sea Kayaking guide book, checked the weather and the tides, and decided to paddle from Cemlyn Bay to Porth Eilian. This did mean we would be battling into the wind, but at least the tidal flow should help cancel the wind out and hopefully give us a little assistance. Well that was the plan. It was a fairly dull day;  but with the shuttle sorted we set off from Cemlyn Bay.DCIM102GOPRO

Cemlyn Bay

DCIM102GOPRONo sooner having set off we passed the Nuclear power station. The dull day didn't help with the view. I'm not sure it would be any better if it had been sunny!

DCIM102GOPROHowever, no sooner passed the power station things started to improve. We came across a few tidal races. Here we are approaching the tidal race of Wylfa Head. Middle Mouse in the distance. The tidal races were big and bouncy and fun.

Tidal race


Tidal race2

Tidal race3


Tidal race4

Tidal race5

Tidal race6On the way to Porth Wen, our lunch stop, we even saw a couple of Porpoises. A first for me. The abandoned Brickworks at Port Wen is very impressive. A brief history of the brickworks can be found here.


IMG_6314Whilst we were there a storm developed inland creating this surreal light. Re-hydrating. Time for some photo opportunities...

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 It wasn't long before we were on our way again.

Day 1 GPS track (SppedDistance Graph)It is quite easy to see where the tidal races were and our stop at Porth Wen

Day 1 GPS trackDistance 11. 1 miles. Not bad seeing as we were against the wind all the way, with only the occasional tide assistance.

Still it was the best days paddling ever!

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